วันศุกร์ที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time (Paperback)

Longitude: The True Story Of A Lone Genius Who Solved The Greatest Scientific Problem Of His Time from Baker And Taylor

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Longitude: The True Story Of A Lone Genius Who Solved The Greatest Scientific Problem Of His Time Image #1


Anyone alive in the eighteenth century would have known that "the longitude problem" was the thorniest scientific dilemma of the day--and had been for centuries.  Lacking the ability to measure their longitude, sailors throughout the great ages of exploration had been literally lost at sea as soon as they lost sight of land.  Thousands of lives and the increasing fortunes of nations hung on a resolution.  One man, John Harrison, in complete opposition to the scientific community, dared to imagine a mechanical solution--a clock that would keep precise time at sea, something no clock had ever been able to do on land.  Longitude is the dramatic human story of an epic scientific quest and of Harrison's forty-year obsession with building his perfect timekeeper, known today as the chronometer.  Full of heroism and chicanery, it is also a fascinating brief history of astronomy, navigation, and clockmaking, and opens a new window on our world.
 The thorniest scientific problem of the eighteenth century was how to determine longitude. Many thousands of lives had been lost at sea over the centuries due to the inability to determine an east-west position. This is the engrossing story of the clockmaker, John "Longitude" Harrison, who solved the problem that Newton and Galileo had failed to conquer, yet claimed only half the promised rich reward. more...

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Adventures of an Optimist: A Progress Report on the 400 Year Project to Help You Improve 20 Times Faster (Paperback)

Adventures Of An Optimist: A Progress Report On The 400 Year Project To Help You Improve 20 Times Faster from

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Adventures Of An Optimist: A Progress Report On The 400 Year Project To Help You Improve 20 Times Faster

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Adventures Of An Optimist: A Progress Report On The 400 Year Project To Help You Improve 20 Times Faster Image #1


In 1995, Donald Mitchell began an audacious task: Demonstrate ways for the whole world to make 400 years worth of normal improvements in the 20 years between 2015 and 2035, a task he calls the 400 Year Project. The results could be as dramatic for humanity as going from sending smoke signals to watching videos sent via cell phones and email had been for extending communications. With guidance from management guru Peter Drucker, direction from clients, and assistance from talented colleagues and students, the project has identified many breakthrough solutions which meet the project's goals. Mitchell describes the roots of his practical optimism, identifies how he organized the project, shares what he learned from pursuing this investigation into untapped breakthroughs, and spells out the focus needed to accelerate global improvements by 20 times from 2015 to 2035. Mitchell also summarizes the books he's coauthored on creating accelerated breakthroughs as part of the 400 Year Project. more...

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

The 2,000 Percent Solution: Free Your Organization from "Stalled" Thinking to Achieve Exponential Success (Paperback)

The 2,000 Percent Solution: Free Your Organization From "stalled" Thinking To Achieve Exponential Success from

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The 2,000 Percent Solution: Free Your Organization From

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The 2,000 Percent Solution: Free Your Organization From


Organizations, like people, are creatures of habit. They tend to approach problems in predictable ways. This revolutionary book argues that such ingrained habits, which often masquerade as efficient procedures, actually obstruct growth.The 2,000 Percent Solution introduces "stall busting," a process that shows you how to recognize typical stalls (like poor communications, disbelief, misconceptions, procrastination, tradition and bureaucracy) and how to overcome them.Through unorthodox examples ranging from the sinking of the Titanic to sketches attributed to Leonardo da Vinci for a bicycle, The 2,000 Percent Solution redirects knee-jerk reactions onto more productive paths. In addition, you'll learn about a new set of thought processes for designing and implementing solutions that will reap benefits 20 times greater or faster than the same tired "normal" solutions. Packed with specific examples, advice and questions to help you improve your organization's process weaknesses, you'll learn how to go beyond today's best practices into the uncharted realm of what needs to be imagined and accomplished.Since the first printing of this book in 1999, organizations all over the world have made The 2,000 Percent Solution a daily resource for overcoming the dual challenges of tough competitors and a difficult business environment. We are particularly pleased that the book has become popular in the rapidly growing and changing markets of China. Readers say the advice and examples are as timely today as when the book was first published. We look forward to hearing your comments and questions at mitchell@mitchellandco.com. more...

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Fierce Leadership: A Bold Alternative to the Worst "Best" Practices of Business Today (Hardcover)

Fierce Leadership: A Bold Alternative To The Worst "best" Practices Of Business Today from

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Fierce Leadership: A Bold Alternative To The Worst


From the author of the acclaimed book Fierce Conversations comes the antidote to some of the most wrongheaded practices of business today.

· “Provide anonymous feedback.”
· “Hire smart people.”
· “Hold people accountable.”
These are all sound, business practices, right? Not so fast, says leadership visionary and bestselling author Susan Scott. In fact, these mantras — despite being long-accepted and adopted by business leaders everywhere — are completely wrongheaded. Worse, they are costing companies billions of dollars, driving away valuable employees and profitable customers, limiting performance, and stalling careers. Yet they are so deeply ingrained in organizational cultures that no one has questioned them. Until now.

In Fierce Leadership, Scott teaches us how to spot the worst “best” practices in our organizations using a technique she calls “squid eye”–the ability to see the “tells” or signs that we have fallen prey to disastrous behaviors by knowing what to look for. Only then, she says, can we apply the antidote..

Informed by over a decade of conversations with Fortune 500 executives, this book is that antidote. With fierce new approaches to everything from employee feedback to corporate diversity to customer relations, Scott offers fresh and surprising alternatives to six of the so-called “best” practices permeating today’s businesses. This refreshingly candid book is a must-read for any manager or leader at any level who is ready to take a long hard look at what trouble might be lurking in their organization - and do something about it. A Q&A with Susan Scott

Question: The title of your book is Fierce Leadership. Can you tell us what you mean by "fierce"?

Susan Scott: In the dictionary there are several definitions for almost every word and when I ask people to put a positive spin on the word "fierce," people suggest: passionate, bold, robust, unbridled, strong, intense, powerful. That’s why I use the word "fierce"--it wakes me up, it’s exciting, it sounds bold, it sounds passionate. It doesn’t sound boring or careful or dull or controlled.

That’s what I mean by the word "fierce"--and "fierce leadership," of course, is all of those things. In martial arts, senseis have a saying, "You are always practicing something; the question is, What are you practicing?" Fierce leadership is a practice, a way of life, a way of thinking and behaving that a leader can bring into his or her life everyday. In Fierce Leadership we are pointing out some so-called "best practices" of leaders today and showing that they are actually far more problematic than they are positive and providing an alternative.

Question: So if some of today’s most widely accepted business practices are wrong-headed and ineffective, why do we insist on clinging to them?

Susan Scott: Well, we are very used to the over-parsed, acronym riddled corporate way and somewhere along the line someone suggested these as best practices. "Best Practices" is a widely used term to describe the best techniques or the best methods that are in use in a company, a field, or an industry. Unfortunately, companies often confuse the latest or the trendiest with the best and lock onto these practices. The best practices of one era are often superceded by the even more ludicrous fads of the next.

There is a direct link between leadership practices and results. We need to develop the ability to spot the "tells" that let us know that our practices aren’t working and, in fact, are getting us the opposite results from what we want. A fierce leader is someone who had acquired Squid Eye.

Question: What is Squid Eye exactly?

Susan Scott: It’s the ability to see the Squid while he is blending into his natural environment. The ability to see him just being himself, even when he doesn’t want you to see him, even when he is hiding. Having Squid Eye means you see many things others cannot and do not see. It’s like having sight in the presence of the blind, you are a selective and efficient information gatherer. This is what Squid Eye really means. So for a fierce leader, with Squid Eye, they begin to spot the tells that let us know that these "best practices" aren’t working.

Question: Another thing you stress is the value of relationships and conversations in business. Why are relationships so important for our careers and our bottom line?

Susan Scott: There is a bold and, I feel, compelling line between leadership and fierce leadership. You cross that line once you begin to understand and act on the central premise of everything fierce, which is If you want to become a great leader you must gain the capacity to connect with your colleagues and customers at a deep level, or lower your aim. So, whether your goal is to improve workplace relations or gain market share, your most valuable currency is not IQ, it’s not the ability to build a really cool power point deck, or analyze a case study or write a white paper. Your most valuable currency is emotional capital. And this is far from a naive, feel good notion; it is really good business sense. In fact, I am proposing that human connectivity, as opposed to strategy and tactics, is the next frontier for exponential growth and the only sustainable competitive edge.


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